Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Just Wondering...

Has anyone out there had a prayer go unanswered and you've spent what seems an eternity trying to figure out why? Does it always come back to sin or what? I would appreciate your own thoughts and struggles with this concept.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

OK Then...Try This On For Size

Can anyone tell me why Jesus matters today without any references from the "great" book your reading or from your devotional guy? Can you tell me something new, original from you that comes from the personal intimacy you have with Jesus? If God is eternal then He must be telling you something original, I mean, if you know Him that well. Go for it! Articulate away and do it from your personal experience, if you have any. Is He more than a crutch and are you more than a hypocrite? What do you do to legitimize your answers? Anything...why does it even matter when we are all such do it ourselves people? Happy posting everyone.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My "Window of the Soul" Moment!

Last night, Sydney and I decided to take in a movie together. As we scrolled down the list of all our choices, we finally agreed on We Are Marshall. I’m not sure why, but God always talks to me in movies through characters, their words, concepts, allusions, scenery, and expressions of emotion of all kinds. I’m very thankful for all the ways God communicates to me, but I especially enjoy His voice, His calling, and His revelation in the world of movies.

In this particular movie, there are several gripping scenes dealing with struggle, pain, loss of love, and a constant search for courage and leadership amongst the broken and grieving. This is so hard to write for so many reasons, but I will not listen to those relentless voices that so often are the death of me. Instead of explaining everything, which is impossible, I’ll just tell you about a few of the scenes that unraveled me in the coziness of home.

I’ll quote a brief synopsis of the movie to give context to my thoughts: “The movie begins on a serious note with tragedy interspersed with sport. A plane crash kills players, coaches and fans of the Marshall University Football team. The entire town is devastated. The board decides to put an end to the program before Nate, a player (who was not on the flight) intervenes for the inevitable not to happen. He finds support in the entire town and also President Donald who goes all out to initiate something.” Most of you guys know several of us are traveling to Sierra Leone, Africa in June. So that is fresh on my mind and is fertile soil for God to nurture. My brother has also been on my mind and heart a lot this week due to choices and sacrifices he continues to make allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way with him. Put the two together and a perfect recipe for a “Window of the Soul” moment is created.

The Marshall football team would never have played a game the following year if not for the efforts of Nate and his willing spirit of determination to carry the torch and the burden of an entire community spiraling in pain and confusion grasping for the answerless question- why? He lived with the sadness and responsibility of believing with his whole heart that “Coach, that… was my team. They left it in my hands.” My brother, Chris, also lives with a sadness and responsibility believing with his whole heart that “God, that…is my son. You left him in my hands.” I can only speculate as tears fill my eyes and I so inadequately express these comparisons. I think I know Chris trusts God with Samuel and realizes the big picture is the gift of Jesus for everyone, but does that mean the struggle ever subsides or even fades with time? I think it only gets more suppressed as it intensifies and ravages it’s way, like a tornado, leaving brokenness and need of repair.

Nate plays with much pain, both physical and emotional, but he persists by going the only speed he knows- FULL! Anyone who knows Chris knows he goes only one speed concerning his quest for Samuel- FULL! Coach Dawson, an assistant coach who also missed the plane and consequentially suffers greatly with guilt and pain, had to physically tackle Nate in practice because Nate wasn’t controlling his intensity as it manifested in anger. He wanted things to happen now and he struggled with the process of adapting to younger players and all their lack of understanding. It made me think of how the Lord has to tackle Chris sometimes when his intensity and want for things to happen now get the best of him. I think he uses the faces of Wendy, Cassidy, Chandler, and Isaac to break those tumultuous thought patterns and settle him, if only for a moment.

The time finally comes when Marshall gets to play their first home game since the plane crash and there is a great deal of excitement and anxiety surrounding the event. Doctors have informed the coaches of the severity of Nate's injury and strongly advise them not to let him play. In my favorite scene, the head coach summons Nate and the two stand toe to toe as Nate braces himself and firmly stands his ground as coach tells him the heartbreaking news. Nate says his shoulder is fine and coach procedes to hit his shoulder with great intensity. Nate fights tears, grits his teeth, and repeats "My shoulder is fine!" The coach goes on to hit him in his shoulder several more times to make a point, and the tears finally come as the pain becomes more evident. But Nate's resolve and the fact that his great physical pain cannot possibly compare to the emotional pain he suppresses and deals with daily gives him the edge and the courage to finish what he started. In this display of heart and determination he convinces his coach to allow him the privilege and honor of participating in this monumental game. I couldn't help but see Chris running, whether in a 5k, through neighborhood streets Samuel has played on in his mind, or on Keller's track with the cross lit bright in the early hours of the morning. I saw the Lord hitting Chris where it hurts most to test him- not for Himself, but that Chris would know so that when the time came to play he would be ready. I saw a car wreck and remembered the long drive to the hospital that dreadful night. I saw him hit with lonliness in crowded rooms and in others inability to grasp at all what he was going through and still does everyday. He has endured the test, and though injured, continues to battle on.

The last scene I'll share takes place at halftime and Nate's injuries have taken their toll and Nate is becoming a liability to the team as an active player. Coach Red Dawson, the lone surviving coach hurting like Nate, comes to him and tells him he's done for the night. Again, Nate quickly resists and Coach Dawson says "Nate...you've done enough...you've done enough." It takes awhile to resonate, but as Coach reminds him of all he's done in this tough journey, they both smile and a peace that passes understanding grips them and hugs them tighter than the guilt and the pain. It's a beautiful moment when Nate experiences his own "Well done my good and faithful servant" speech. My tearful prayer is that Chris will one day not have to wrestle with all that's undone and incomplete...that the lion inside that roars with such verosity will one day rest and feast at the Master's table. I pray he hears God say "You've done enough...you've done enough." I can't even begin to imagine what that looks like or how difficult it will be to accept those words because this is no movie, but I pray peace in God's perfect timing for my beautiful brother.

I can't wait to walk the shores of Sierra Leone with you and enjoy the privilege of watching God's chosen fulfill and satisfy the holy words of our Father. You are more precious to me than you'll ever know. I love you.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Are you overwhelmed with deadlines, bills, expectations, and piles of unaccomplished to-do lists? Ever feel like calling a time-out and disappearing into a deep sleep that lingers for days, only the stress of waking to the accumulation of additional extras cuts deep into your normal breathing pattern creating a swell in your chest as panic takes root and a sense of incapability is born and is nurtured with thoughts of insecurity, lonliness, misery, and weakness? Man... what were you thinking - calling a time-out at such an inopportune time as everyone around you second guesses your integrity, motives, courage, or ability?
One of the greatest lessons I ever learned was at Frontier Ranch from an amazing man, Lee Hough, who taught me, simply, to pause. My encouragement to you over the next day or two is to pause and spend 5 full minutes thinking only about the cost, the significance, and the humility of Christ and the cross he chose to endure for you. You do what you want, obviously, but I beg you to forget about you, your sin, your insecurities, your laziness and your unaccomplished tasks and simply allow the Holy Spirit to counsel you, calm you and bring new perspective as He evokes images and sweet thoughts of Jesus - only Jesus!
Even if you choose not to write about your experience, then please post "I did it!" so others may be encouraged. I pray God blesses you beyond belief and it encourages you to pause more and meditate on God's Promises.

This post is dedicated to Sydney, the awesomest kid in the whole world because she typed this whole thing perfectly for me!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Big-Timin' Book Club! It's Finally Here...

By way of request from two of my favorite women in the world(whose names I 'll choose not to disclose for fear of all those special women out there who happen to think they are my favorite) I am starting our own little book club with a slash: it'll read like this- book/quote club...yeah... you heard me!
I'm opening it up for your favorite highlighted sentences. You gotta know we all want what really makes your heart beat faster. Reveal yourselves in others words...shoot, go ahead and tell us why you love it so much.
I'll begin with a stud named Ken Gire who penned these words:
Our unanswered questions are the grappling hooks we use to scale the North Face of God, who seems at times an Everest of indifference. The ascent is treacherous. And maybe why we brave the climb is because we sense that abandoning the climb might be even more treacherous.
Your turn my friends...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My First True Love

Lonely mornings spent in BH Elementary cafeteria as a newbie 3rd grader possessed great scarring potential. And if not for my brother, who wasn't near as cool back then, playing paper football with me, I might never have seen the woman who would be the first of only a few to truly capture my heart. It was love at first sight!

She strutted and swayed like a runway model through the cafeteria every morning as I reluctantly stole quick gazes until she passed and I could feast my eyes on her, capturing the images I would eventually fall asleep thinking and hoping to dream of and inevitably wake to. She embodied beauty and one day she would be mine!

Time seemed to eek by and I eventually and painstakingly endured the rigors of 3rd and 4th grade. Finally, my time had come to be in HER class. Over the course of the next year I learned how to love a woman as I discovered gifting, party planning, sweet talk, and other performance oriented tasks of lesser degrees that seemed to add up over time. I absolutely loved playing Nation Ball when she was monitering our court. I felt in my heart she wanted to watch me play as well because I was too naive to believe my feelings weren't reciprocated in her dreams at night. I would jump higher, throw harder and run faster when her eyes were on me. I must admit, though, that every once in awhile I would get out on purpose so I could stand next to her and infiltrate her mind with Palzo-propaganda (especially on Fridays when I knew I would have to persevere through another long weekend without her).

Honestly, she was the first person outside my family(Jamie was and always will be family) to really get me. She understood things about my personality I was still trying to figure out and she fanned the flames of my imagination and competitiveness giving me outlets I much needed at the time and didn't even know it. She was tough and I loved her for it. I love her for it still.
That year I grew up a little and found myself doing things and feeling ways I never thought possible. I even cheared for Trinity to win over Bell because I knew it would make her happy. I guess I could write about 5th grade escapades all night long, but I will move on to today.

I witnessed her lose a nephew, two husbands; one to divorce(freakin idiot) and another(one of my heroes)to cancer. She's experienced the unbias cruelty of disease in her own body a well as her daughters and she, with no surprise from me, stared down death and fought. I know thoughts of Ray consume her and wishes of one more embrace haunt her still. Noone will ever fill that void, yet she continues in her faith to press on and impact others with a willing heart and sweet spirit. She must understand prayer and the counsel of the Spirit in ways I hope I never will. Her name is Sue and I will never forget the impact she had and will continue to have on my life. I love her and know of her love for me as I see it in her eyes before and after our hugs that never seem to last long enough. There's so much more...

My hope and appeal is that you guys would write about someone that is not a family member, yet has impacted you in agreat way; someone from your past that we, as friends, may not be familiar with. I hope you give them your best and I can't wait to hear about the special people who impacted you.

Friday, January 4, 2008

It's CRYSTAL-clear !

What music do you listen to and what mood are you in when you listen to it? Please share your favorites and maybe some of us will be enlightened and begin new love relationships with artist unknown.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Blogosphere Wants YOU! So Give It Up For The People

Ever been rockin along and find yourself in one of those inescapable moments? It may be an unexpected immediate answer to prayer, an embarrassing situation, a make-you-cry moment from a movie or a child's first words or just something simple that you wish someone was there to share.

Please share with us your moment or moments that others would enjoy hearing and responding to. You can share anything from a deep question to a wierd thought and express it however you desire.

No rules- just be you!