Monday, April 14, 2008

God Is In Everything

This weekend I was reminded of one of my favorite scenes from the movie The Count Of Monte Cristo. Edmond is full of hate and revenge due to the betrayal of those closest to him and in a very gripping scene, Mercedes, his wife, pleads"I don't know what dark plan lies within you. Nor do I know by what design we were asked to live without each other these 16 years. But God has offered us a new beginning... " and Edmond replies with disdain "God?" Mercedes begs him not to slap His hand away and Edmond fires back "Can I never escape Him?" And she simply says with great confidence and passion "No, He is in everything. Even in a kiss."

This Sunday God was in everything and it was a beautiful day. In reality God is always there, although as Jennifer referenced, sometimes we experience the "dark night of the soul" which is brought about by any number of circumstances. On Sunday every lyric, every word from the pastor's mouth, every word from scripture, and even in my own quirkiness was reason for my thankful heart to celebrate the Lord's total forgiveness. He swelled up in me and my pride was put on hold, if even for a moment. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! The one line that really got me was from the song It Is Well With My Soul. It sings like this:

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! MY SIN, NOT IN PART, BUT THE WHOLE, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

I am asking all of you to share something great that God is doing in your life as we all join in on lifting up His holy name and glorifying the One who is worthy of all praise and honor. May this not be nearly so much about you as it is about Him.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Oprah's Screwed Up!

This video is new and not 7 years old and I believe this is very serious and should be treated accordingly. What do you have to say about Oprah and her version of God? If you can defend this at all then you're missing the boat! What say you?