New Year's Resolutions fall in the same catagory for me as wishing someone good luck.
I hate hearing preachers say "if you're really lucky..." or "when you're down on your luck..." because it's a word that totally contradicts God's sovereignty and they should know better. We should know better. Luck has no place in the Christian vocabulary. Whew...
Back to resolutions. Ever wonder why everyone's resolution is over and done with before the first day of February? It's because you're asking your flesh to buck up and battle itself and all the it's sinful desires. Eventually the real flesh will rear it's ugly head and demolish your fragile will.
So my purpose in this post is not to argue luck or resolutions, but to ask my friends- What are YOU going to trust GOD with this year? Please tell us what it is that would be impossible for you to do on your own, therefore, God is the only way it's getting done. I can't wait to hear what your desires are and how big you're willing to go. I challenge us all ,whether in a post or not, to pray for something bigger than ourselves and share that dream with someone. Go big baby!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
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This is more along the lines of what I want to change about myself in 2008. Quite simply, I want my prayer life to be more intentional, and I want to have faith enough to share those intentional prayers with others. If I can be boldly honest, let me just share that there are things I want for myself this year. There are things I want for some of my closest friends, my family, and there are things I want for others. I WANT RESULTS!
So many times I pray for days, maybe weeks, and seldom months, for God to work wonders where I am concerned. And after what I perceive is sufficient time of prayer with no results, fall into self pity when I don’t get the results I was hoping for. When I pray “God’s will be done”, often times it is used as a crutch for my lack of faith, or fear that I won’t receive my desired outcome. The “just in case it doesn’t work out for me, I’m covered” mentality seems so cowardly when I look down at myself, as I imagine what God’s view of me is like. Especially when He has blessed me with seasons in my life where glimpses of His perfect will were so evident. It makes me tired of myself.
I long for the Holy Spirit to be present in my life – to work in me and through me. I accept the fact that God works us out in the valley, and I’m tired of being scared of the valley. In my heart, I know God answers all prayers – in His way, His timing, and with the ultimate result being a more intimate relationship with me, not necessarily things I want. Because He has gotten through this sometimes hardened heart to understand at least that much, I can end with this. I am asking God to move, NOW, for me and the people I love the most, not because I deserve one single thing in this world, but because God loves me enough to give me the freedom to do so. Ephesians 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…
Last night I saw the movie The Great Debaters starring Denzel Washington and it flooded me with memories of how I felt after I saw Glory in 1989, also starring Denzel. I walked out of Glory with what Boston would refer to as "more than a feeling." I was changed from the inside out by the Spirit and I pledged at that point to make a difference in the black community.
In the locker rooms and dorms at TCU I received a very formal education in this arena. I asked questions, observed closely, judged frequently and remained in awe most of the time. When I acquired a coaching position at Bell High School I gradually grew into the leader of the black students and it impacted my life forever.
I traveled many miles and laughed harder than ever before or since with these young black men I so affectionately referred to as Soul Patrol. I would be remissed if I didn't include my Latino commrades that frequented these wild adventures also. We became a band of brothers and I was taken in by parents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles. I could tell stories all day long, but I need to eventually make a point.
This brings me back to last night as I was contemplating Denzel's growth from 1989 to 2008 and all the success he has endured and achieved. I found my mind racing with kudos concerning him as I then turned my thoughts over to myself. It was in this moment I became disappointed with my own growth and committment leaving me with an awkward homesickness of the difficult, yet magnetic attraction to friends and their dreams unrealized.
Therefore, I'm asking God to rid me of all predjudice; whether socioeconomic, race, religion nonreligion, liberal or conservative. I want to walk in this world and see people with the right eyes and not be so easily swayed by feelings or emotions based on a single happenstance. I want to play more of an activist role and dive deeper into the problem of racism. I want to extend a hand to the black community once again and offer peace through friendship under the banner of Jesus. I want to pray diligently for reconcilliation and harmony amongst all people. All I can do is my part, which I've failed to do as of late.
Good luck in your... just kidding! Plaese let us know your dreams and realize it can be one sentence or a book- whichever fits you best.
Well, I'm asking the Lord to make himself REAL and evident in my life. We all know that God is everywhere; and if that is true, then I am missing out on so much! I want to see Him in everything, in a "Windows of the Soul" kinda way.
I also feel that as the Lord answers this prayer and I make the effort to see Him in everything, I'm going to have to learn to ask good, tough questions. I pray that the Lord gives me discernment. As I discussed with my brother, Benji, I realize that a life questioning God, authors, speakers, and especially myself, will be difficult (and completely out of character for me). I'm taking the chance that I might get answers that I don't want, even though He is revealing TRUTH. And they may not come in a timely manner. In a world of feel-good teachings and false prophecy, I think we all know the truth: that a life with Christ is dangerous and scary. (Just ask his disciples.) Well, I'm ready to get after it.
Anyways, sorry I suck at this blogging thing, but that's it for now.
Hey, Mom, look at me! I'm a blogger!
This year, I am going to ask God to be more present in my life. Kind of along the same lines of what Geof was saying. I want to see God in everything. My joys, my pains, life changes, the trees, my regular cup of coffee, my office, buying groceries, meals with friends, at weddings, in the midst of my own anxious thoughts, or even pumping gas in the freezing miserable cold - may I see Him in everything and give thanks and celebrate this life that I have been given to wear out!
I also really suck at change (even when they do not directly involve me - which is bizarre) and I want to KNOW that through every change and twist and turn in this life of mine that HIS love endures forever. That He alone is never changing nor is this love that He pours out on me. I pray, pray, pray that this will be a healing balm over my life and heart.
Next, I pray that I will grow in reverent fear of the Lord and not a FEAR (to be afraid or apprehensive) of the Lord that causes me to distance myself from Him. May His love for me be more gentle, tender and merciful than that other kind of fear that sneaks into my heart and prayer life.
And last, I pray that I will not carry the weight of my sin like I have in the past. That I will truly take to heart that the Lord knows every thought and word before it ever leaves my mouth, before I ever form a syllable on my tongue and that He loves me even in the midst of my sin (Again, it never changes). I recently read something by Tozer and he illustrated that we never leave the hand of God, so even we think we have leaped out of His hand and His will, it is rather impossible, because we can never escape the loving grasp of His hands and His works. May my heart, mind and soul take this to heart and may it QUIET everything in my life in 2008. That is something that only He can do. Amen - let it be (for each of us).
I have two things: the first one I am still working through…I’m having trouble articulating it. Secondly, I want to take seriously the demands of grace. Lately, I have really been looking at my life and the lives of others who love Jesus. I have become burdened by the simple fact that we do not take following Christ serious. We simply play these little games of justification. It all started when I began talking to someone very close to me who is a believer. She is dating someone who is not, a believer, and I just couldn’t believe it. She said that she knew it wouldn’t work and that they were going to break up really soon. What? Why was she playing this little game. She convinced herself that since she was going to break up with him that it was no big deal, but it WAS. Paul taught me a valuable lesson...that anytime something bothers you…a red flag should fly up b/c at some level you are probably doing that. One of those great lessons that you wish you had not learned, but did. So, I began to see many things in my life that I had justified enough to “feel” like I was doing right. I realize now that I do just enough good to appear good, so that I don’t have to be good. I know…I know…no one is good, only Jesus. I completely agree. But when I use the word good…I mean using all the grace I have been given to be obedient. That is what I mean. I do not believe that I can ever be perfect until I die or Christ returns but I do believe I should be making progress toward that end. I continue to see His people caught up in the same stupid crap that they have always been…with little meaningful repentance. I just want to stop playing the game and start doing what I say I believe. I pray for him to allow me to live out the demands of a life giving grace. Which means that he can ask anything from me…and I should give it. I want to be that kind of man.
Well can i say dido to everything that everyone has said. Those all sound like great resolutions to me and well i guess my resolution is pretty basic. I just want to have a resolution! One that ways greatly on my heart to where i cant avoid it any longer. Im not for sure what that might be right now because it really could be anything and everything. I always wanna get better in every aspect of my life with Christ and i've never really done the whole new years resolution, so yeah i just would really like to be passionate about a resolution. All though i dont think that even counts as a resolution I mean come on who resolves to find a resolution? Oh well thats my two cents Peace out! Oh and paul i just have some good news and well i thought what better place to put it then in the blog you created. I have your thermarest and bag at my house and i will get those to you whenever we meet again.
I went to buy a new thermarest yesterday and they were out.
That's CRUCIAL news from the Burkester!Thank you.
Brent, you're going big this year, brother. Cds, concerts and it all starts at Seekers- standing room only!
JT, I think if you just wrote anything we could all learn alot. Your opinion is respected and needed in every arena. You have a true gift- I think it's called studliness.
I will agree that I really got a lot out of JTs post. It's really cool that I normally don't get face time with you JT, but you were able to really show me something about myself through this blog. I still dont know what I want to trust God with the MOST this year, because there is a lot. I still have a day or so though, so I will have to check back on this one.
I resolve for a lot of things this year. That's for sure. I want mostly for my relationship with Christ to not just be another thing on my to do list. It takes more than just waking up each morning and reading and praying, it takes my heart being engaged! I resolve to take the journey of what that means.
I also resolve to submit to God's desires for my life. I have lived like a person who shoots a shotgun and wherever the spray lands, I'll give it a shot. I want God to TRULY conform my desires to HIS desires for me and not me try to convince Him that what I want is right.
Lastly, I always say that walking with Christ is simple: Love God, Love others. However, I have never taken the time to explore those things in depth and I want to do that this year too. What does it mean to love God? Obey for sure, but what else? I want to know!
Happy New Year's. 2008 is going to rock our faces off.
I've really enjoyed reading everyone's resolutions, so to speak, and I'm so blessed by all of the longings for basically more of Jesus.
I'm still praying through this question, trusting Him to show me specifically His answer for me. At this point, Proverbs 10:19 keeps coming to my heart and mind. "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise." I want to make a commitment to more carefully weigh my words. Proverbs 19:21 tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue; I want to pour life into people...or just keep my mouth shut. I do not want to give people lip service...or better yet, give lip service to God. I want to mean what I say and live out what I say and believe, which means living in integrity. I want to be an open book before the Lord, a clean slate for Him to write upon to be read by others as an invitation to come to Him. I want to be ok with being quiet and not making much of myself with the desire to make Him known only through me, whether He calls me to do nothing or everything. I don't want to be scared of being forgotten or left out. I just want to be free to trust Him without inhibition, because I know He is faithful. Honestly, 2007 has been a long stretch for me; He has fully provided and fully covered me, but the quietness--or what I've perceived to be His quietness--has quite annoyed me. I want to be comfortable in His quietness, knowing His presence is ever there, whether He comes in ways that I prefer or not. And, may He find me completely content with just sitting at His feet, waiting and worshiping. that went to places that I didn't plan on, but I guess that's good..and hopefully that's God answering my question! Blessings to all in 2008!
This is crazy! I could read what you guys have to say all day long. Thank you for sharing and please know there are people reading,learning and appreciating your willingness to put it out there.
Happy New Year! I just got home from JT's New Year's Party and I so thoroughly enjoy the friends the Lord has so gracefully placed in my life. Thank you to my dear friends. Even the ones that call me a blog whore. Who am I kidding? I am one.
Well, here is my jab at my first blog. My resolve for the New Year is to love others unconditionally. It sounds like a simple plan, but for me not so much. I've found myself in places with people where I feel misunderstood, unloved, and betrayed. In those times I was baffled at the idea that I am loved to a point. People will love me as long as I fit a certain image. People will love me as long as they get what they need or want or if I make them feel loved or be who they want me to be. People will love me as long as I'm the perfect wife and mother, I have felt no room for error, no grace from people, or at least that is the battle going on in my mind and the message that I have received. Certainly my trust for others has suffered. (Please don't speculate my husband because that is certainly not the case) I have felt like I just can't be all of me. Then I realized I started shuting off, pulling away, separating myself. The irony. I am complaining about people not loving me the way I feel as if I should be loved in all of my circumstances amongst all my crap and because of that my love for them ceases. What a load of crap! I love only when loved in returned. What kind of philosophy is that? Certainly not Jesus'. He loved me first. He loves me still amidst my sin. He loves me when I don't love him back. He loves me when I don't choose Him. He loves me all the freakin' time in all things. So here it is in a nutshell. I pray the Lord fills me up with so much of His love that it will just pour out. May my cup overflow this year with God's unconditional love. I want to love my enemies. I want to love my friends and family deeper. I want to love my children and husband deeper. I want to love God deeper, closer to the way He first loved me...unconditional.
Yay for Rachel. You are redeemed. (no longer the blog whore!) Love you and freakin love your heart!
Jennifer, thank you again for contributing so much. I was rereading your post and really wanted to know more about God's quietness as you experienced it and learned through it.
I've had seasons of His quietness because I was not seeking and mixed up in things I shouldn't have been and then I've experienced His quietness in times when all I desired was more and more of Him.
I received your post as the latter of the two, which for me was more difficult to understand because I was trying so hard and was enduring with such faith in the most difficult of circumstances.
I have performance issues, but that's another topic.
I guess I just want to hear your take on it, however you choose to express it. Thank you.
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